Katrina again
The Salvation Army is actively engaged in the disaster services offered to victims of Katrina. I think I've seen more press about the service than usual. That is good.
The Biloxi Corps Community Center is destroyed as is the quarters for there and Gulfsport. At the moment we don't know about our New Orleans operations. There is a brand new ARC there under a fair amount of water.
I believe the National Commander, Commissioner Todd Bassett may be joining the Presidential entourage to closely survey and assess the damages to determine how we can best work together today. Watch the news...he'll be the one in the SA uniform.
This one's going to take quite a while to clean up. Pray that our presence and involvement leads many to a new walk in life with God. This disaster doesn't compare to the disaster awaiting in hell.
Amos 6:3 (MSG)
Am 6:3 "Woe to you who are rushing headlong to disaster! Catastrophe is just around the corner!"
The Biloxi Corps Community Center is destroyed as is the quarters for there and Gulfsport. At the moment we don't know about our New Orleans operations. There is a brand new ARC there under a fair amount of water.
I believe the National Commander, Commissioner Todd Bassett may be joining the Presidential entourage to closely survey and assess the damages to determine how we can best work together today. Watch the news...he'll be the one in the SA uniform.
This one's going to take quite a while to clean up. Pray that our presence and involvement leads many to a new walk in life with God. This disaster doesn't compare to the disaster awaiting in hell.
Amos 6:3 (MSG)
Am 6:3 "Woe to you who are rushing headlong to disaster! Catastrophe is just around the corner!"
how AWESOME is it that the owner of the Yankees donated a million dollars to tsa relief fund and that for the next 5 home games,one dollar from every ticket is being donated as well....and on top of that for like the next 10? (I think)they are allowing kettles in the stadium! Sooo amazing! I thank God for people like that!
This is great. People are coming forward to help significantly. Thank God.
I have started the process of volunteering myself to go down south. I wrote about it in my last post on my weblog. I'm scared, but my passion for people and the desire to show the love of God far outweighs fear. I am actually getting excited about this opportunity of service that he has opened up for TSA and the greater Christian church. My prayer is that we will remember that God is bigger than fear and we can be called to go anytime, anywhere in the strength of the Lord. We sing about it all the time, it's the universal Salvationist rally cry, but this is a time to take "I'll go in the stength of the Lord" (SASB 734) to heart.
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