
Salvation Army dialogue. Now posting at:

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Southern Territory, Australia

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


How is it that we show our love for each other? Sure, there are plenty of ways, but the point is that you demonstrate your love. You don't simply talk about it or keep it to yourself.

We have good friends that love us. We know that because they show us. They help when we need help. They laugh with us and cry with us. They share their dreams and their families with us. By this they show that they love us and trust us.

Can there be anything more valuable? I think we are very wealthy when it comes to the good friends that are ours. I hope they see us in the same way. I'll work on showing them.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 (MSG)
13 "Meanwhile, we've got our hands full continually thanking God for you, our good friends-—so loved by God!God picked you out as his from the very start. Think of it: included in God's original plan of salvation by the bond of faith in the living truth."


Blogger BrownEyedGirl said...

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Gal. 6:10

I think we sometimes worry too much about how it will look if we are too kind and caring to our own. But scripture says "do good to all....especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

and like you calls us to do good. To demonstrate our care, our love.
I always love reading your blog it is an encouragment. Thank you

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