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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Southern Territory, Australia

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Move Week

I heard an expression that this was move week in our territory. I guess I've heard it before, but it struck me differently today. Perhaps this might better be called rumor week, when some of our more creative minds imagine just how the annual rotation might take place.

I've now sat on most sides of the table on the officer changes in the territory. Let me give you my perspective:

1. It's a holy process - prayer abounds in every aspect of the plan
2. There is a plan - It is dynamic and can change in a minute, but there is a direction for appointments and officers.
3. There is a conscientious attempt to serve both the officers (family included) and the appointments
4. There is a strategy to make appointments longer.
5. No appointments are punitive.
6. If an appointment is wrong, every effort is made to find a resolution.
7. Most appointment changes are driven by the desire of the officers themselves.
8. We trust God.

Why not insert yourself in the process and pray for the people affected by the coming changes?

1 Timothy 2:7 (MSG)
7 "This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth."


Blogger Larry said...

I have been praying for weeks for the process. You are right, because humanity is involved in the process it is not perfect. There are issues that cause hurt and confusion sometimes. I think many officers when communication has not been in their opinion accurate or good, tend to not be able to see the process as holy. Again, this is seen through the lens of humanity.

I pray for clear vision and communication on all parts, so that the Kingdom is honored and advanced through this process.

By the way, I have seen the hand of God in your recent appointment announcements.

6:14 AM  
Blogger BrownEyedGirl said...

I had the privilege in Russia to sit on the appointment board. It was always a holy experience and steeped in prayer. The first time, I was overwhelmed and comforted by the experience. All the officers who gathered for the process had the up most concern and best interest in the families, individuals and the mission. My prayers are with all who will be experiencing change. I have no doubt that the same care and prayer happens in our own Territory.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Evie said...

I'm sure you remember the day that I learned of my parents' farewell from Wilkes-Barre to Harrisburg. I was devastated. Yet, in the long run, it was a good move for our family. One of the primary blessings that came out of that move was the support that the corps people gave my parents when my father became terminally ill. I will always be grateful to the soldiers of Harrisburg for their ministry to my parents.

Dave and I only had two appointments as officers, but we never doubted that they were the places where God wanted us then. Even though God has led us out of officership into lay ministries within the Army we still marvel at the way He works. He opens doors and leads the way for soldiers as well as officers. Do I understand how He works and how it all comes together? Absolutely not - I haven't got a clue. But I know He does, so I continue to trust Him.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Glad to hear there is a plan to make appointments longer - I think that benefits most everyone involved. I hope that there is equally given more and more attention to putting people where there gifts are greatest....

11:26 AM  
Blogger Allison Ward said...

Thanks for this post. Change is definitely hard and my emotions have be going crazy this week. My mind tends to wonder and I make up these crazy scenarious where everyone I am close with moves away and I'm left with no one. Obviously not EVERYONE will leave but it's definitely hard when someone very close to you moves away. That's why I'm glad you wrote this. And ofcoarse that's why I'm glad for e-mail and cell phones :) You know what I realized, sometimes it takes someone to move away to realize how much you love and care about them and the relationship, I'm realizing that more and more this week.
I am praying for those affected by the changes, both the officer and the loved ones around them.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Jim Knaggs said...

This a deep subject on many levels. It deserves much prayer.

9:26 PM  

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