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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mothers' Day

Now, in addition to the most crowded day in restaurants, add the most blogged about subject on the internet today: Mothers'’ Day. Sometimes I go with the flow.

There is a rumor that when the founder was looking for a short message of encouragement to telegraph around the world one Christmas, he sent out the word “'Others'. As the rumor goes on to suggest, he had a bad cell phone connection to the telegraph office, because he was really looking to reference a role model by which all people, everywhere would immediately comprehend the love of the Lord to which he suggested, “'Mothers'.” With this bad cell phone connection the telegraph office dropped the first letter and it became “'others'.”

Yes, mothers are the best example of God’s love that most of us know. Self-sacrificing, unconditional, I’'d - give - my - life - for - you, love. That’'s my experience. I love you, mom. I love you too, Nana. That'’s what Carolyn gives. I love you, Carolyn. And that'’s what our daughter in law, Leslie has been giving for nine months (approximately), and three weeks. We love you Leslie.

Mothers are the best!

If the founder actually had a cell phone, I know what he would do today...he'’d call his mother.

"Honor your ... mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12 (NIV)


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