
Salvation Army dialogue. Now posting at:

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Southern Territory, Australia

Thursday, June 02, 2005


I love the work. I love my work. I love to work. I love to work with my wife. I love to work with the people in my office. I love to work at THQ. I love to work on the road. As a matter of fact, on that basis, work is no longer officially a four-letter word. I make no apologies for such comments. It is amazing to me that I get all of this pleasure and every two weeks, there's a token of compensation directly deposited in our checking account.

Addicted to work? Perhaps I am in some ways. I'm addicted to the joy of seeing lives changed in the love of Christ. I'm addicted to strengthening the hearts of co-laborers who are weary in well doing. I'm addicted to God's love applied in many aspects in my work as an 'Army' officer. I'm speaking of my life's work and the understanding that my work brings me life. I'm grateful that it is so fulfilling that the two concepts are so blended.

"But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." 2 Tim. 4:5 (NIV)


Blogger Eleanor Burne-Jones said...

'What you hold, may you always hold.
What you do, may you always do and never abandon.
But with swift pace, light step and unswerving feet,
so that even your steps stir up no dust,
go forward securely, joyfully and swiftly,
on the path of prudent happiness,
believing nothing,
agreeing with nothing
which would dissuade you from this resolution
or which would place a stumbling block for you on the way,
so that you may offer your vows to the Most High
in the pursuit of that perfection
to which the Spirit of the Lord has called you.'

(St Clare, Second Letter to the Blessed Agnes of Prague)

3:50 AM  
Blogger Allison Ward said...

Amen to that Lindsay! School is such a pain. Besides the fact that you really don't want to learn all that stuff, you have to deal with the PEER PRESSURE. Lately I have been really confused as of what to do with my life. So many options and so little time....

4:22 PM  
Blogger Jim Knaggs said...

Lana...beautiful, affirming verse. Thank you.

Tuba talk: In the style of sage Yoda, co-worker you are.

Lindsay: I hear you. Sometimes at work there are things that don't fit me either. That's where our intention to make the best comes in.

Allison: Sounds like a lot of pressure. That song, "God will make a way" really comes from Scripture and is true. Look for it.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Mary Ann Parks said...

Col. Knaggs, just some affirmation here - it is clearly evident in the rare interactions I have with you (and Mrs. Knaggs) that you both love
"The Work" and the people involved. :-)

Lindsay, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the "Booth's Vision" girl from New Years in Philly: try this - try to not look for the joy in the work, but in the process - try to enjoy the process of learning - how you take facts in, how you best retain them, etc. It's best to learn those things about yourself now, before you get to college....

Allison - don't know if you know me, but....:-) Anyway - the peer pressure thing totally stinks (been there, done that, still dealing with it at 25 :-)) Looking back, 6 years post-HS (oh my goodness,has it really been that long?) - the coolest, most-together kids were the ones who didn't worry about peer pressure, etc. as much (I don't know how they did it, but.....) And, if you don't know now what God has called you to, it's OK...just keep praying about it, trust the God will reveal it to you at just the right time, and keep preparing yourself in whatever ways you can (general education, keeping in the Word, etc.) for whatever it is that God has for you...(between you and me, I think He has big plans for you...actually, for you and Lindsay, both - He's blessed you each with many gifts/talents/abilities/etc.)

TubaTalks, I don't know you, but I LOVE that name (I play Eb Tuba myself) - but thank God and thank you for your service to God and a soldier in the trenches, fighting for the souls of men, it is officers and leaders such as you that continually challenge us to grow...Thank you!

10:13 PM  

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