
Salvation Army dialogue. Now posting at:

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Southern Territory, Australia

Saturday, April 30, 2005

May Day

Tomorrow is the first of May. Growing up, we knew it as May Day, an early spring celebration where kids would dance around the maypole with flowers in their hair. As I rethink it, it's no wonder why that practice has disappeared.

Another meaning of mayday is a distress call for a ship or plane in trouble or in great risk of going down. It still is thought of as a cry for help.

These contrasting concepts speak to the many options we have for today. Each day could possibly go either way...good or bad...or uneventful. Much of the determinant comes from our own intentions for the day.

I have reasons to think of May first as a distressing day, but I'm choosing the resurrection strength. I hope you're making good choices today.

This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (NIV)

Friday, April 29, 2005

Higher Education

The USA doesn't exactly have it all. I know that's hard to imagine, but I'm thinking of Booth College in Winnipeg, Canada...The Salvation Army college that offers a great education by great teachers in what they say is a great location. (I have never been to Winnipeg.) To me, it adds up to a "Higher" education.

If you want to know more about it, go to and check it out for yourself. Maybe you know someone who would benefit from such an experience. Let them know. Let them go...and let them come back home (USA?) and put it all to practice.

Now if you're not in the market for this "Higher" education, then why not still check it out and make a commitment to pray for this great Canadian experiment that has turned out to be a great Canadian know... the students, the faculty, the students, the administration, and don't forget the students. Students always benefit from an abundance of attention called prayer.

"Work hard so God can approve you. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth." 2 Tim. 2:15 (NLT)
Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Long Day

Perhaps you said this about today, or yesterday, or maybe even a day coming on your calendar: that's going to be a long day. Truth is, that while the awake demands on our lives may be longer today than some other days, it won't be. Praise God each day only lasts 24 hours and no less either... Just enough to get done what needs to be done.

The president only gets 24 hours a day, as does the new pope and even the General of The Salvation Army. They're getting it done. For 33 years Jesus had 24 hours a day and he changed the world forever.

Imagine what we can do, by the grace and strength of God in a day. No day too long. No day too short...every day, just as God has planned.

My day is feeling long. I'll attempt to take comfort in the fact that it really isn't...and neither is yours.

God, you're my last chance of the day.
I spend the night on my knees before you. Psalm 88:1 (MsgB)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Doing the Most Good

Our Community Relations and Development Conference was held this week in Chocolatetown, USA. You know...Hershey, PA. These are great people with a clear focus of the mission and professional ability to convey our story with integrity. They know how to put it together to remind the world that The Salvation Army is "doing the most good" with their donations, time, and resources.

Betty Longbottom, Planned Giving Director for the Northern New England Division was specifically recognized today with a beautiful crystal award for her faithfulness and consistent high quality work. Betty, the word's out. You're amazing and now everyone knows it! Thank you so much.

Only being able to be there today, I heard the famous "Honz" from Pittsburgh speak, our very own Fred Honsberger. You have to pay attention to what he says. He's a media communications professional and a sterling Salvationist with only the truth to tell.

Thanks too, to Major Gary Miller and Mr. Lindsay Evans and your team for your work this week. We see the results every day throughout the territory.

Learn to do good.
Work for justice.
Help the down-and-out.
Stand up for the homeless.
Go to bat for the defenseless. Isaiah 1:17 (MsgB)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


This is something of a code word for our people who are serving the Lord in The Salvation Army outside of the USA. They are:

Captains Samuel & Jenny Alarcon - South America West
Majors Edmund & Carolynne Chung - United Kingdom
Captains Tim & Evelyn Clark - Estonia
Captain Salvacion Coralini - Philippines
Majors Robert & Hester Dixon - Liberia
Major E. Lewanne Dudley - Nigeria
Ms. April Foster - Kenya
Commissioners William & Marilyn Francis - IHQ
Commissioners Israel & Eva Gaither - IHQ
Majors Richard & Olivia Gulley - Jamaica, WI
Majors Federico & Marie Larriniga - Spain
Captains Sebastian & Hollie Leonardi - IHQ
Captains Justin & Katherine Longcoy - South Africa
Major Pamela McKee - Liberia
Captain David Payton - Russia
Captains Ricardo & Patricia Portal - Peru
Captains Moises & Christina Ramirez - Mexico
Captains Dean & Marisa Satterlee - Argentina
Captain Kristen See - Paraguay
Majors Alberto & Brenda Suarez - Spain
Majors Philip & Susan Wittenberg - Estonia

Well, that's who they are and where they are. You know they belong to the Eastern Territory and to the global SA. They belong to Christ. Service away from home is far from family, far from familiarity, and far from easy.

Print this list off and pray for them. If you have access to our lotus notes system, you'll find their e-mail send them an encouraging message. If you need their address, drop me a line and I'll make the connection.

Over other objectives today, make your concern for our Overseas personnel and their ministries your business.

By the way, has God spoken to you about such a ministry overseas?

"And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere." Mark 16:15 (NLT)

Monday, April 25, 2005

Join the Flight

HOPE: A Flight Manual for Prospective Angels

Here it is. The latest of the work of Commissioner Joe Noland in his profound style and with the marks of compassion for kids at risk, and for us who will benefit by being constructively and intentionally involved.

"Do you want to experience a two-fold blessing? Do you want to prosper and do you want the future to prosper through you? Are you ready for a life-changing experience? If so, this manual is for you. It's about opportunity, risk and change. It's about a revolutionary flight plan that will take us to new heights morally, ethically, and spiritually. It's about you and one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Above all, it's about hope - and a promise from God to prosperity. Hope is an angel and we are inviting you to...Join the flight...for our future."

You can check out his site at to learn more.

Is it time for you to join?

"Our Lord, you will always rule, but nations will vanish from the earth. You listen to the longings of those who suffer. You offer them hope, and you pay attention to their cries for help. You defend orphans and everyone else in need. Psalm 10: 16-18a (CEV)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Decision Sunday

That's what today is...Decision Sunday. With the absence of the Corps Program Reporter (that was a tool used by all corps for many years), regular events and opportunities like Decision Sunday may become less familiar and less likely to do. I'm praying that our corps will take advantage of this special moment to offer the Sunday School attenders a chance to make a decision to be saved.

The idea behind a quarterly occurrence of such is a healthy reminder to invite people to come to Christ and be certain of their salvation. The theme suggested for today is "Meet you at the Cross", and the material circulated is quite useful.

Your best decision this Sunday (today) is to have a Decision Sunday. If you haven't done so, why not make a decision to do it next week. In some corps, every Sunday is a decision Sunday. That's good too. I'm really glad someone asked me to make a decision for Jesus. It changed my life.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Cor. 1:18 (NIV)

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Picture this...

Majors Ron and Keilah Toy are the corps officers of the San Francisco Yerba Buena Corps. I first met him years ago in New York City when he came with a team from the San Francisco Chinatown Corps to help us open the work in New York Chinatown. Keila might have come as well. I remember him because he was a professional photographer at the time. He had a lens on his camera that spanned a wide area to make extraordinary panoramic photographs.

My next encounter with these faithful Salvationists was a visit to their Asian-American corps which had just opened, sharing a building with the Chinatown Corps. I seem to recall that Keilah team taught the Sunday School class that day. I was impressed and blessed.

Tonight I find the Majors Toy tending the Yerba Buena Asian American Corps and capably hosting the National Advisory Board. For this I praise God and worship Him in celebration. He has been faithful to them...they have been faithful to Him. It's how the Spirit of God works well.

Picture a photographer and his wife serving God as officers with their whole hearts and you will see the grace of God in Majors Ron and Keilah Toy. It's a lasting pose.

"John answered, 'It's not possible for a person to succeed—; I'm talking about eternal success— without heaven's help. '" John 3:27 (MsgB)

Friday, April 22, 2005

National Advisory Board

As you may know, The Salvation Army in America has a National Advisory Board. Meeting for two days in San Francisco, extraordinary professional SA supporters will travel from all over the country, including Hawaii, to meet and advance the mission of The Salvation Army.

Like our local advisory boards and advisory councils, this board looks at every angle of the Army to see where they might give affirmative or corrective direction. It is an amazing process and when coordinated properly, gives us an incredible and invaluable asset.

Chairman Edsel Ford will lead the meetings with National Commander Commissioner W. Todd Bassett at his side. All four territorial commanders and their respective chief secretaries will be in attendance giving and receiving in the course of the meetings. Advisory Organizations in The Salvation Army are essential to our effectiveness. The successful involvement of these great women and men enable us to efficiently and capably do what we do.

Thank you, Lord for each one of them.

"We're not in charge of how you live out the faith, looking over your shoulders, suspiciously critical. We're partners, working alongside you, joyfully expectant. I know that you stand by your own faith, not by ours." 2 Cor. 1:24 (MsgB)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Good Friends

Continuing in the Northern New England Divisional Annual Command Review, we had time tonight to sit at a dinner table, enjoying the presence of Christ in the company of good friends. This is the plan of God. We all need good friends to tell the stories of our lives and share in appreciation for the movement of God among us.

I believe He causes our paths to cross so that we might learn from each other and be comforted by the common experiences and challenges we encounter. Do you have people like this in your life? I hope so.

This wasn't the last supper, but we did so in remembrance of our Lord and celebrated His presence in our lives. It was communion at its best. I thank God for each of them and pray that they found joy in our gathering as I did. Jesus is alive!

" and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." [25] In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."
1 Cor. 11:24-25 (NIV)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The way life should be...

You'll recognize this as the main theme of Maine. As the territorial review team prepares to review the great Northern New England Division, we are distracted by the beauty of this area and the wholesome attitudes of the residents. As usual, everyone we are meeting here is friendly and positively engaging.

On Wednesday and Thursday we will be listening, looking and living the NNE experience. Majors Rick and Janet Munn are surrounded by a holy team of partners and stakeholders who understand the mission and their role in it. This corner of the country is anchored by substantive Salvationists, praying and practicing their faith to the delight of God.

I don't mean to suggest that it's easy, but it works because the Army here is graceful. Filled with the Spirit and directed by the Word of God, these Salvationists will continue to lead the way in their communities and in the hearts of young and old...the way Christian life should be...They're keeping the main thing, the Maine (and NH, and VT) thing.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

Monday, April 18, 2005

New Ken

Yes - New has nothing to do with the new Barbie. New Ken is down home language for the home town if you live in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Here we have The Salvation Army as it was meant to be. Beautiful people with beautiful corps officers, all loving and serving our beautiful Lord.

They mean business here. The worship is wonderful and the fellowship just right. The people love each other and love being at the 'Army.' Everyone counts and everyone cares. I was there on Saturday and Sunday. The Holy Spirit was evident and we all were blessed by Him. Four Junior Soldiers were enrolled and I'm sure there are more to come. This is a growing corps.

I thank God for Majors Stan and Gayle Senak and their local officers, soldiers and other members. God is delighting in them and they are delighting in Him.

Col. 2:5 (MsgB)
"I'm a long way off, true, and you may never lay eyes on me, but believe me, I'm on your side, right beside you. I am delighted to hear of the careful and orderly ways you conduct your affairs, and impressed with the solid substance of your faith in Christ."

Saturday, April 16, 2005


So today goes down in history with the birth of Jacob Matthew Knaggs. He's the son of Leslie and Jason Knaggs and the first grandchild of Jim and Carolyn Knaggs. He arrived in Philadelphia, PA at 9:51pm, weighing 9 lbs 1 oz. . Mother, child and father are all blessed and fine. Grandparents, including Ruth Ann Stoneburner of Norristown, PA are each questionable.

Again God has shown His glory in the creation and birth of another child. This one will be special (they all are). He will be raised by parents, friends and family who love the Lord and who follow His intentions for their respective lives. He will learn about the love of Jesus and will early have an appreciation for the Word of God. I'm not attempting to be a prophet, only stating the obvious. It's actually God's idea...His plan, and it's a good one.

So I write today as a grandfather. A new day for Jake. A new day for his mom and dad. A new day for his uncles and aunts...and a new day for his grandparents. Did you notice what happened here? The mention of the new relationship with this new life and now we all belong to him... like his family. And so it is in relationship with the Father...we, now including Jake, are His.

"Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."
John 1:3 (NIV)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Evangelical Scandal

In my journey to follow Christ, I have been significantly influenced by Dr. Ron Sider. He says that the evangelical movement is riddled with hypocrisy, and that it's time for serious change. He was interviewed by Christianity Today's Stan Guthrie on this subject which you can find at The Evangelical Scandal.

Take a look at it...and see what it might mean to us.

Hosea 12:11 (MsgB)
"I show Gilead rampant with religious scandal
and Gilgal teeming with empty-headed religion.
I expose their worship centers as
stinking piles of garbage in their gardens."

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

SA Employees

"She's one of the finest and most competent finance department employees I've ever worked with," said Major Frank Klemanski, Business Administration Secretary of the Massachusetts Division. "She is extremely sensitive to the needs of the corps officers," reflected Lt. Colonel Barbara Van Brunt, Associate Divisional Commander.

Who is this great employee? Ms. Diane Miles...that's who. She's the fiscal controller at the Massachusetts DHQ and a great example of the many quality employees that work for The Salvation Army. We couldn't do it without them. They are essential in mission partnership to glorify God in all we do. Many of them are called by God to work for Him in the 'Army' and all of them have a healthy contribution to make if they want.

Today, if you are an employee of TSA, know of our gratitude for you and your importance to the mission. If you're not an employee, take the time to thank an employee or two. Diane can represent the best of our employee partners and she will continue to do so to the glory of God. She understands the importance of giving her best to God and is happy to do it in the 'Army.'

"Observe people who are good at their work—
skilled workers are always in demand and admired;
they don't take a back seat to anyone." Proverbs 22:29 (MsgB)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Take me out to the ballgame

Baseball...the great American pastime. I write this tonight in the beautiful city of Boston, Massachusetts, the home of the world champion Boston Red Sox. They beat the Yankees (my team) yesterday and there's another game tomorrow. Carolyn and I are real baseball fans. She attempts to learn something new about baseball every day.

One of the reasons we like baseball so much is because it takes us know, out of things that are distressing and intense and banal and boring. We cheer for the home team and enjoy good baseball, no matter which team makes the great play.

Do you think this is bad? I think it helps us with balance. There can be moments in our lives when the serious and the important can be replaced by the light and seemingly smelling the roses.

Tomorrow when the Yankees and the Sox play their game we'll be thinking...take me out...take me out to the ballgame...and it'll be good.

Job 11:13-18 (MsgB)
"Still, if you set your heart on God
and reach out to him,
[14] If you scrub your hands of sin
and refuse to entertain evil in your home,
[15] You'll be able to face the world unashamed
and keep a firm grip on life, guiltless and fearless.
[16] You'll forget your troubles;
they'll be like old, faded photographs.
[17] Your world will be washed in sunshine,
every shadow dispersed by dayspring.
[18] Full of hope, you'll relax, confident again;
you'll look around, sit back, and take it easy."

Monday, April 11, 2005

Cover the Uninsured Week -- May 1-8, 2005

According to the National Chief Secretary, "Again, this year The Salvation Army is represented on the organizational board of the campaign to raise awareness of the fact that 45 million Americans are living without health coverage. Every 30 seconds a bankruptcy is filed in the United States following a serious health problem. The hope is that the awareness campaign will send a clear message so local, regional, state, and national leaders in business, industry, commerce, education, and government will make this concern a top priority."

"Organizers are in place in the target cities where The Salvation Army is invited to lend its voice of experience on local committees that plan events. Again this year free Christian resources are available at:"

This is an important matter. I sometimes think national health care would be the solution, but I am sure that we need to move quickly toward medical insurance for all. The problem is not too complex for us as a nation to address and certainly not out of reach for the grace of God. What do you think?

"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. " 3 John 1:2 (NIV)

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sunday at The Salvation Army

I've spent more Sundays at The Salvation Army than any other place in my life. I just like to go. It's where I belong. Today, at the Spring Valley, NY Corps, everything came together for a beautifully blended worship experience to the delight of God. The brass band played well, as did the worship band. The preaching was right on (thank you Major Norman Garcia) and a sweet vocal solo by our own Allison Honsberger drew us to consider "The Wonder of His Grace".

The family of God celebrated in His presence with continuity and community. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. [35] By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35 (NIV)

How was your Sunday? Did you get to the corps? Is this where you belong?

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Bernie Ford Headlines in Heaven

Now there's a name most would not recognize. Let me fill you in with a quote from Major Paul Cranford, "...still see the victories and growth from our center retreat. One of those residents from the retreat, Bennie Ford, died Monday at the Center from a heart attack. He is in glory today." The retreat was the subject of a previous blog Holiness is for Everyone. He's in the photo at Connri Lodge.

Sometimes, when we witness a young person rising from the Mercy Seat, we think, Lord, take him now so he'll go to heaven before he has a chance to go back on his faith. Such are the concerns of an Arminianist. (tongue in cheek, here)

Sometimes, men and women who come from strong addictions, find themselves back as slaves to their addictions even though they've had a significant encounter with the Lord. Some would say they were never serious in their prayer of salvation. I wouldn't.

In Bernie's case, according to his friend, Major Cranford, he went to heaven before the enemy had a chance to re-capture his soul. We rejoice!

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. " James 1:12 (NIV)

Friday, April 08, 2005

TopOff 3

"The Salvation Army is taking part in a week-long Congressionally mandated exercise, TopOff 3, designed to strengthen the nation’s capacity to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from large-scale terrorist attacks. This exercise is billed as the nation’s most comprehensive terrorism drill ever, and is being conducted in New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington, D.C., Canada, and the United Kingdom." This is the beginning of a report prepared by Trish Raines of our Community Relations and Development Department. You can acquire the rest of the details through your divisional development department or on the THQ Bulletin Database. (If you have to ask what the THQ Bulletin Database is, you don't have it.)

It involves emergency disaster work. We do this well because disasters are an important part of our mission. You know by now I'm referring to personal disasters and those crises that distract people from their walk with God. This is large scale to the person involved as it affects their whole world. We are well placed to be so ready for these terrorizing attacks by the enemy of our soul.

"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Juilliard Salvationist

Carolyn and I attended a recital tonight of another Juilliard trained Salvationist. Derek W. Lance, son of Major Don Lance (SFOT) performed his Master of Music Degree recital tonight at this distinguished school of music. His playing is amazing and a credit to both his SA instructors through the years and his teachers at Curtis School of Music and Juilliard. His family (including me) is rightfully proud of him and his accomplishments.

He first learned how to play his instrument at a beginners brass class at the corps and now in addition to tonight's work, he is a faithful member of the New York Staff Band and a bandmaster at the Spring Valley, NY Corps. The host of Salvationists tonight at the recital brings to mind the numerous Salvationists throughout his life who have been an encouragement to him in his music and his faith.

Who did this for you? As you consider your corps today, who is being taught life changing skills and faith?

A beginners' band is a good place to start.

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


The IHQ Auditors are at THQ for a few days. Lt. Colonel Gustave Allemand and Colonel Gordon Becker began yesterday with an ambitious agenda to audit the accounts at our favorite THQ. This is more of an affirming requirement than anything. Our finance department maintains the highest in audit standards and enjoys a good long standing record of same. I suppose our territory would represent the largest financial obligation of any SA territory in the world.

More important than all that is one soul coming to Christ...maybe that's you...or your neighbor...or your relative...or the person working next to you. If only our systems of accountability for soul saving matched that of the financial records. Perhaps they do where you are. I certainly hope so.

Lord, help us to be responsible in this life-giving, love-sharing joy of bringing others to Jesus. Send in the spiritual auditors who will call us to faithfulness in this all-important hope.

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matthew 25:21 (NIV)

Monday, April 04, 2005


1 Thes. 5:17 (NIV)
pray continually;

I love to pray. God has taught me so much about this privilege through the years. It's no longer limited to one way monologue with eyes closed. It's now a part of my entire waking day. No matter where I am, I enjoy this relationship called prayer, because it is the connection with God.

I hope (and pray) that where you are right now you would understand the closeness of God in prayer. I've learned He looks for me and desires to remain close...that is abiding.

For me the question has little to do with what is on your prayer list and mostly to do with your prayer heart.

How do you see it?

Sunday, April 03, 2005


"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)

We visited the Philadelphia Pioneer Corps today to worship the Lord on the final day of our furlough. As Philadelphians see it, this is the first corps in America, founded by Eliza Shirley and her family. With each visit, we imagine the prayers of the Shirley family and their many successors for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in and throughout the influence of this corps.

God is still answering those prayers. We enjoyed a wonderful worship service with beautiful music, healthy local officer participation and a good message by the corps officer. Captains Dave and Vanda Knickerbocker are doing it well at this famous and strategic corps.

If you're looking for a good worship experience and the fellowship of genuine people, this is a great place to come. Perhaps some day someone will develop a corps visit guide, like a restaurant or hotel guidebook. This corps would be a "five star" experience. How would your corps rate?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

John Paul II

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Psalm 116:15 (NIV)

A Godly man has entered heaven. The media and public interest is quite high and very inspiring. The Pope crossed many lines and layers of our world to what I believe was the delight of God. We should be grateful to the Lord for this man's life and pray for his successor.

I'm not catholic and never will be. There are matters in the catholic traditions that make me quite uncomfortable, but not this man. His message was morally profound and consistent with the gospel. So was his life. In death he displayed the grace of God and holy expectation of his eternal reward through faith in Christ. Let us remember him for the holy man he was.

Did you also notice that Frank Perdue died today too? He sure did a lot for chicken dinners. In all likelihood, thousands of other good Christian men and women entered heaven today as well. We'll need to work on good replacements.

Friday, April 01, 2005


April first, a well known day in America. This year it's different for me. It marks the beginning of year three as the chief secretary of The Salvation Army USA Eastern Territory. Please forgive the direct personal reference here, but it is germane to a blog named Chiefspeak.

A leader once suggested that "position determines perspective." There's veracity in the comment, but it is not as simple as it might seem. It isn't simply that the position is a frame of reference, but rather, the place of the heart in the most incredible movement of God on the face of the planet.

I'm convinced that each of us in TSA have the potential today for the same perspective that I have in CSY3. "If I had only known then what I know now..." What I know is that it is a matter of the heart...and you don't need to be as old as I am or have gone through what I've gone through to get it. Your perspective is determined by the position of your heart before God.

"the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. [27] To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." Col. 1:26-27 (NIV)

April fools??? No way!

I think this is going to be another good year.